
Biological Resource Surveys

This includes general biological surveys (flora and fauna), and vegetation mapping.

Special-status Wildlife Evaluations

Evaluation for occurrence of, and potential impacts to, Central California special-status species specializing in the following:

Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard

Over 20,000 hours of blunt-nosed leopard lizard (BNLL) surveys following the current CDFG protocol (May 2004) were logged by MBI staff from 2004 to 2013. MBI also provided instructors for The Wildlife Society San Joaquin Chapter BNLL survey workshops in 2007 and 2009.

Orange spots down the length of the body designates this blunt-nosed leopard lizard as female.

Orange spots down the length of the body designates this blunt-nosed leopard lizard as female.


Small Mammals

MBI has expertise regarding Tipton kangaroo rat, giant kangaroo rat, San Joaquin antelope squirrel and Mojave ground squirrel surveys, habitat evaluations, and trapping. In addition, MBI maintains professional relationships with sub consultants and has employees who retain appropriate permits for trapping all four of these species.

A kangaroo rat scurries across the dirt.

A kangaroo rat scurries across the dirt.


San Joaquin Kit Fox

MBI has extensive experience involving habitat suitability analyses, den surveys and clarification, detection of site occupation (spotlighting, scent and camera stations), impact evaluation and mitigation design. MBI can perform den monitoring and excavations for properly permitted projects.

A kit fox puppy looking at the camera while one of his parents stands in front of the camera.

A kit fox puppy looking at the camera while one of his parents stands in front of the camera.



MBI is pleased to offer our clients desktop review of botanical resources, vegetation community assessments and mapping, and high quality rare-plant surveys. Our data collection systems capture important botanical life-history and community characteristics important in native plant population monitoring. Staff regularly visit populations of special-status plants within the San Joaquin Valley, Tehachapi, Coastal and Sierra Nevada ranges to assess annual growth responses. MBI holds several CDFW Plant Voucher Collecting Permits and our staff prepare plant specimens annually for long-term preservation and archival using high-grade materials. We regularly construct and implement botanical avoidance and mitigation measures tailored for project and species-specific needs. Our staff have partnered in multiple restoration projects and have experience in native seed collection and post-disturbance reseeding or replanting. MBI’s facilities include a greenhouse and our staff are experienced in common cultivation techniques. We regularly conduct residual dry matter assessments to inform habitat management decisions and maintain property conservation values.

Kern Mallow in full bloom.

Kern Mallow in full bloom.


Regulatory Compliance

MBI can assist with Federal Endangered Species Act (FESA), California Endangered Species Act (CESA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Migratory Bird Treaty Act, California Streambed Alteration Notification and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permitting.

Resource Management

Preparation of biological assessments, habitat conservation plans, reclamation plans, revegetation plans, mitigation plans and other resource management documents.

MBI has experience handling sensitive cases including den excavation involving kit fox.

MBI has experience handling sensitive cases including den excavation involving kit fox.


Permit Preparation

CDFG Section 1600 Streambed Alteration Notifications, Assistance with FESA Section 10(a) and Section 7 Consultation and CDFG Section 2081 Incidental Take Permit Applications.

A walk through during a kit fox training session.

A walk through during a kit fox training session.


Additional Services

Biological monitoring, biological resource education programs, regulatory agency coordination, emergency response, habitat management, habitat disturbance tracking, and peer review.

Scenery during training.

Scenery during training.