Here's just a small sampling of the clients and projects we've worked on over the years.
550 MW Topaz Solar Project
Client: Aspen Environmental Group/First Solar/Althouse and Meade
Location: Carrizo Plain; San Luis Obispo County, CA
Completion Date: 2015
The 550 megawatt Topaz Solar Farm will produce enough electricity to power 160,000 homes in California. The Farm is expected to displace 377,000 tons of Carbon Dioxide each year, which is the equivalent of removing 73,000 cars from the road (
MBI Project Highlights
Pre-project Surveys
Assessment of habitat
Identification of survey needs including review of previous work performed
Determining potential for occurrence of state- or federal-listed endangered, threatened and special-status species
Technical assistance with application preparation for California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit (CESA ITP)
Designated Biologist and Biological Monitoring Support
Overseeing pre-construction surveys/sweeps and site inspections
Implementation of CESA ITP, Federal Biological Opinion, and San Luis Obispo County Mitigation Monitoring Plan
Nesting bird/bird fatality surveys
San Joaquin kit fox (SJKF) monitoring (den monitoring, construction monitoring, and telemetry)
North Midway Sunset Development Plan
Client: Berry Petroleum Company (formerly LINN Energy)
Location: North Midway Sunset Oil Field; Kern County, CA
Completion Date: Ongoing Since 2006
LINN Energy properties in the Midway Sunset Field were acquired in the Berry Petroleum Company acquisition and include over 1,900 acres. For 2014, the company anticipates spending approximately 16 percent of its total oil and natural gas capital budget for California development (
MBI Project Highlights
Plan and Permit Implementation
Federal Biological Opinion and CESA ITP implementation
Determining potential for occurrence of state- or federal-listed species
Database documentation and management
Compliance oversight
Annual and quarterly reports to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)
Agency Reporting
Habitat disturbance
Survey tracking
Post-construction compliance surveys
Results of trapping sessions and burrow excavations
SJKF den disposition
Sightings of Covered Species
On-call Biological Services
Pre-activity surveys for detection of Covered Species
Small mammal trapping, relocation and burrow excavation
Protocol-level, blunt-nosed leopard lizard (BNLL) surveys
Emergency response support
San Joaquin Valley HCP Implementation
Client: ICF Jones and Stokes/Cardno ENTRIX/S2S Environmental Resource Management, Arcadis, Garcia & Associates, TRC Solutions
Location: Kern, Kings, and Fresno Counties, California
Completion Date: Ongoing Since 2011
MBI Project Highlights
HCP Implementation
Electrical transmission and distribution repairs and maintenance, including test and treat sessions and pole replacements
Successful take avoidance and HCP compliance during completion of approximately 30 projects from 2012 to 2013
Compliance oversight and reporting
Maintenance of quality control expectations
Recommendation and implementation of species avoidance measures including San Joaquin Antelope Squirrel (SJAS), SJKF, and BNLL
Participation in calibration and coordination among consultant team
On-call Biological Services
Coordination with project planners, biologists, construction personnel, and prime contract biological resource staff
General and focused biological surveys for listed species
Nesting bird surveys
Construction monitoring
Chevron San Joaquin Valley Business Unit
Client: Chevron U.S.A., Inc./Chevron Environmental Management Company/Chevron Technology Ventures/Chevron Business and Real Estate Services
Location: Kern, Kings, Fresno, and Monterey Counties, California
Completion Date: Ongoing Since 2001
Chevron is the largest oil and gas producer in California, with the majority of production coming from company-operated leases in the Kern River, Midway Sunset, and Cymric oil fields. Its San Joaquin Valley Business Unit is headquartered in Bakersfield (
MBI Project Highlights
Projects Supported
Oil and gas production wells
Inter and intrafield electrical lines, pipelines, roads, and other infrastructure
Facility abandonment
Solar facilities
Implementation (avoidance, minimization, and mitigation)
Initial project planning regarding threatened and endangered species
Staff training (health, environment, safety, and biological resources)
Installation and maintenance of buffer zones
Excavation and relocation of sensitive species
Daily construction monitoring
Documentation of take/agency reporting (BLM, and CDFW)
Habitat disturbance measurements
Restoration planning and implementation
Regulatory compliance (CEQA, NEPA, FESA, and CWA)
On-call Bioogical Services
Biological surveys for sensitive wildlife and plants
Technical report completion and compliance oversight
Assistance with permit applications
Coordination with state and federal agencies
Maintenance of historical mapping and data archive
Chevron Lokern Habitat Conservation Plan EIS/EIR
Client: Chevron U.S.A. Inc./URS Corporation Americas
Location: Kern and Kings Counties, California
Completion Date: Ongoing Since 2009
MBI has provided technical expertise during the preparation of an EIS/EIR evaluating the Lokern HCP. The area under permit consideration includes four Kern County oil fields (Kern River, Lost Hills, Cymric-McKittrick, and Midway Sunset), and the Lokern Natural Area. Due to the nature of the HCP, analysis has considered the entire area encompassing these fields, not just Chevron-managed lands. The total area being evaluated covers approximately 204,000 acres in the oil fields and an additional 28,000 acres in the Lokern Natural Area.
MBI Project Highlights
Data and Literature Review
Review of orignal survey data and publicly available records
Compilation of data regarding potential impacts to biological resources
Analysis of 232,000 acres of land (oil field and conservation lands)
Document Preparation
Review of biological resources section and supporting documentation
Application of knowledge of oil and gas production activities, permitting issues, effectiveness of minimization, avoidance and mitigation measures
Team regional expert for biological resources of the San Joaquin Valley as part of the technical team assembled for the project
Collaboration with agency personnel and legal counsel during FESA and CESA permitting activities
Continuing Support
Habitat management and monitoring
Annual biological surveys assessing condition on conservation lands (including BNLL, SJKF, SJAS, GKR, and sensitive plants)
Monterey County General Plan/San Joaquin Kit Fox Conservation Strategy
Client: EMC Planning Group, Inc.
Location: Monterey County, California
Completion Date: 2014
Conservation strategies were designed to guide Monterey County in the long-term conservation and preservation of natural resources while protecting private property rights ( Based on the results of literature review, agency correspondence and field studies, an SJKF conservation strategy was formulated for review, approval, and implementation by the County.
MBI Project Highlights
Providing Technical Expertise
SJKF habitat requirements
Literature review, agency correspondence and field studies
Document review/contributed to formulation of SJKF conservation strategy
Wildlife Studies within SJKF Habitat
Camera station utilization
Coordination of spotlighting sessions
Identification of canids, badgers, burrowing owls, and other wildlife